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匿名外国ネキ モヤモヤしすぎて英語しか出てきません 本当にすみません

waste of resources, people’s time and talent
easy cash out
easy capitalization
N⭕️TFLIX X SH⭕️EISHA partnering up to expand their monopolization in foreign global market (cause Japanese are gradually getting tired of this content)
I doubt there were any actual substantial thinking process behind all this
just riding on WIT’s global popularity which was built via their brilliant works with Attack ⭕️n Titan.
“OP being less popular than XXX world wide, must be because of the low cost sakuga and the slow pacing of the anime.”
no. the anime especially the early arcs anime adaptation were fine
It’s because the gensaku manga is so damn uninteresting after Marine ford and reached its obnoxious worst at the ongoing egghead arc that even those Gear 5 and wano arc hyper are losing their energy week by week

but of course, what idiot will actually do a wholeass work to ACTUALLY improve the ACTUAL story?

“just give OP that modern sakuga that made Levi viral on twitter and we be counting money while sleeping”

For me I feel like it’s abusing the studio staffs cause I doubt how many of them REALLY got the genuine pure creative energy and passion for this project? but who am I to say anything, it is what it is.

(I don’t doubt there are creators who are happy and honored to work on this. It’s just that I felt that they could’ve have been working on more valuable content (something new, something original, something they can express more freely, something they don’t need to be compared with, something not already occupying a gigantic amount of the limited creative resources of the industry, some thing that actually need this chance to be discovered) which can make them even more proud of their resume… but all my respect to the staffs. and you capitalist gXXgs better be paying these creators wages good (don’t M⭕️PPA them) or I will be seriously fuming)